BEAT tuberculosis (NCT04062201) investigated treatment with a short course of a delamanid-bedaquiline regimen for rifampicin resistant tuberculosis (RR-TB) in South Africa. It was a pleasure to talk with Dr Francesca Conradie (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa) around the aims and design of the BEAT tuberculosis study and the findings from the interim analysis.
The abstract entitled ‘High rate of successful outcomes treating RR-TB with a delamanid-bedaquiline regimen in BEAT Tuberculosis: an interim analysis’ was presented at the World Conference on Lung Health, 8-11 November 2022.
- What is the current standard of care for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (RR-TB) in South Africa? (0:16)
- What was the rationale for the BEAT tuberculosis study? (0:55)
- What were the aims and design of the study? (1:28)
- What were the findings from the interim analysis? (2:09)
- What will be the potential impact of these findings on the treatment of RR-TB? (2:52)
Disclosures: Francesca Conradie has nothing to disclose in relation to this video interview.
Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media Ltd. Interview conducted by Victoria Jones.
Filmed as a highlight of the World Conference on Lung Health 2022.