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Welcome to the latest edition of touchREVIEWS in Respiratory & Pulmonary Diseases. As we continually strive to deliver cutting-edge research and insightful commentary, this issue is no exception, featuring a diverse array of articles that illuminate both emerging treatments and evolving practices within the field of respiratory and pulmonary medicine. We begin with a compelling […]

Andrea Aliverti, ERS 2018 – New technologies in respiratory medicine

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Published Online: Sep 22nd 2018

Editorial board member Andrea Aliverti (Politecnico di Milano [Polimi], Milan, Italy) discusses the potential that new technologies could have to improve patient compliance in respiratory medicine.


1. How important an issue is patient compliance in respiratory medicine and how can new technologies help this? (0:12)
2. In what ways are wearable technologies being used in respiratory medicine? (1:17)
3. Could you tell us a little about the AirGo device and its recent validation study? (2:26)
4. What challenges need to be faced in the development of new technologies in respiratory medicine? (3:53)
5. What other new technologies do you expect to emerge in respiratory medicine in the coming years? (4:41)

Speaker disclosure: Andrea Aliverti has nothing to disclose in relation to this video interview.

Filmed at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) International Congress 2018, Paris, France, September 2018.

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